Thursday 8 January 2015

Happy new year (and a bit).

It's been a while since I last posted anything, so thought I'd better show myself! I've been busy doing nothing, as it were, the last few weeks with Christmas and whatnot. I did manage to get out on the bank a couple of times, but without even a single bite they weren't very eventful, and with it being freezing cold not much else happened to report on either. I've just booked up this years holiday to Anglers Paradise in the summer which is something to look forward to. I'm also toying around with ideas for a couple of fishing related projects this year, and if they get off the ground I'll be sure to let you know on here. I did manage to get a few snaps while out and about over the holidays, so I'll leave you with this one of the lower river Severn at sunset.

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